Derma roller for hair

What is a Derma Roller for hair?

Derma rollers for hair are handheld devices covered in tiny needles that, when gently rolled over the scalp, create micro-injuries. These micro-injuries trigger the body’s natural healing process, potentially increasing blood flow to the scalp and stimulating hair follicles. This may lead to thicker, healthier hair growth. Some studies suggest derma rollers can also enhance the absorption of topical hair growth products. While derma rollers are generally considered safe for home use, consulting our dermatologist before starting any new hair growth treatment is always recommended.

How does Derma roller treatment work for hair growth?

Derma roller therapy is a minimally invasive procedure that utilizes a handheld device with fine needles to create tiny punctures in the scalp. This controlled puncturing is believed to stimulate the skin's natural healing processes, potentially leading to increased blood flow and collagen production. While research on its effectiveness for hair growth is ongoing, some studies suggest it may be beneficial in certain cases. It's important to consult our healthcare professional to determine if this therapy is suitable for you and discuss potential risks and benefits.

Benefits of a Derma Roller

Derma rollers, also known as microneedling devices, are being explored for their potential role in hair health. The tiny needles may create micro-channels on the scalp, which some studies suggest could stimulate blood circulation and nutrient delivery to hair follicles. This may contribute to the appearance of thicker, healthier hair in some individuals. However, more research is needed to fully understand the long-term effects and effectiveness of derma rollers for hair growth.

After and before care for Derma Roller

Before using a Derma Roller on your scalp:

Cleanse thoroughly: Gently wash your hair with a mild shampoo to remove any dirt or product buildup.

Avoid harsh treatments: Skip styling products and chemical treatments for 24 hours beforehand.

Sun protection: Limit sun exposure or tanning for a couple of days before use.

After using a Derma Roller:

Follow professional guidance: Always prioritize the aftercare instructions provided by our qualified healthcare professional or dermatologist.

Gentle care: Avoid harsh shampoos, vigorous scrubbing, or activities that might irritate your scalp, such as swimming or excessive sweating.

Nourish your hair: Maintain a healthy hair care routine with a gentle shampoo and conditioner suitable for your hair type. Consider consulting our professional for personalized recommendations.

Desire Clinic's cost for Derma Roller

Desire Clinic offers Derma Roller hair treatment starting at Rs.1800. This minimally invasive procedure may help stimulate hair growth. Schedule a consultation with our qualified professionals to discuss if it's right for you and understand potential costs involved.

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